At Creative Memories, we release a new special every two weeks. We want you to have the themes and ideas that you need for the photos and stories you are working on. Today's special is SO. MUCH. FUN. I am so anxious for summer and this is going to feed my summer needy soul!
I will be releasing a workshop by Friday, May 10th. For our specials, I design a workshop with four singles pages that can be mirrored with extra product or sit next to each other in your book.
Let's start with the Cardstock Buffet! We have a beautiful selection of exclusive colors, and when you buy 6 packs, you get a packet of Terrestrial Teal Cardstock FREE! These are bright and beautiful summer colors!

Now that you've seen the Cardstock Buffet colors you can purchase, let's look at the amazing Summer Break special! You can buy the products individually or the bundle is 10% off through May 17th. The bundle includes the paper packet, stickers, ephemera packet, mat stack, the border punch and a border maker punch. Let's take a look!

So that's a lot of amazing product!! Here is the whole bundle with the 10% off price:

These phenomenal colors of summer make my heart happy! Summer and warm weather can't come soon enough for me, so creating with this is going to be super fun!!